Archive for July, 2016


Painting Update 3: Filing Her Nails

July 31, 2016

Well, I had an interesting couple of days. My master drive crashed on my old computer, so I’ve been trying to recover everything on a new machine. Fortunately, I managed to get most of everything up and running, and this is the state of the painting before all that happened.


Still have much more to do on it. Maybe I can get some painting time in today. It helps me get away from all that left brain activity.


Painting Update 2: Filing Her Nails

July 24, 2016

I was planning on getting further along on this today, but then the air conditioner decided to stop working in the studio, so I think I’ll wait for tomorrow’s repairs before continuing.


Hope you can get a sense of where it’s going at least by how I’ve worked the bottom half of the background so far. I’m concentrating on shapes and edges, and keeping the color saturation up. Should get the rest of the background done in a cooler workplace soon.


Painting Update: Filing Her Nails

July 19, 2016

Playing around with the new painting, adding some more modeling to her dress.


The brand of oil I’m using is Le Franc (orange and red ochre,) which is a little more oily than some other brands. That helps me keep loose brush strokes, and easier to remove paint to the lighter value beneath for the highlights on the dress without adding more medium. I’m also using a Winsor & Newton Naples Yellow to dull down the orange some.



Painting Sketch: Filing Her Nails

July 15, 2016

This was going to be just a monochromatic sketch with oil paint, but I’m now thinking I’ll take it a little further into a more finished piece, at least adding some more color.


It’s from on an old photo I took of my friend, Valerie, as she sat filing her nails. The background is all made up. I’m using a red ochre and naples yellow oil paint, thinned with casein medium. The surface is a canvas sheet, with acrylic ground, 12 x 9″.


Art Opening in Texarkana

July 9, 2016

Here are a few photos I took at the art show opening last night in Texarkana, TX. I’m very impressed with the building. It’s not easy to light a space with high ceilings, but they did a good job.

texarkana-show1 texarkana-show2
texarkana-show4 texarkana-show3


2 New Sketches: Ashley Stretching

July 7, 2016

Here are a couple recent pencil sketches I made of my friend Ashley doing her morning yoga stretches.



Also a reminder that I have 2 drawings in a show in Texarkana that has it’s opening event tomorrow night. The show will be up until mid August.