Archive for May, 2012


Drawing Finished: Donna on Her Sofa

May 27, 2012

I may tweak this a bit more in some spots, but it’s mostly finished. Ink on Bristol paper, 14×17 inches. Click the image below to see a larger version.


Drawing Update 2: Donna on Her Sofa

May 24, 2012

I gotten a little further along on the new ink drawing. I should get her legs and bottom of the sofa wrapped up soon.


Ink Drawing Update: Donna on Her Sofa

May 21, 2012

I managed to get a little time on the new drawing this afternoon. Here’s a closeup of her head and the back of the sofa.


Photos of the Live Oak Art Show Opening

May 20, 2012

I attened the art opening for the Live Oak Art Exhibit in Columbus, TX last night and managed to snap a few photos of the event. One of my recent paintings had been included in the show. Click images for larger view.

the downstairs space

more artwork upstairs

a nicely lit location

…and it’s near the food table!


New Ink Drawing Started: Donna on Her Sofa

May 17, 2012

Pulled out a photo of mine of my friend Donna that I took a few years ago. Now is a good time to turn it into a drawing, so here’s what I’ve been scratching on for the last couple of days. I’m using a Uniball Gelstick pen on 14 x 17 inch Bristol paper.


Drawing Finished: Kayden’s Back

May 11, 2012

I’ve finished the drawing. There’s a mix of solid shading, lines, lightened erasing, and anything else I could use to get it all to come together. I used a hard lead in some areas but most of it is drawn with soft graphite.


Drawing Update: Kayden’s Back

May 7, 2012

Here’s a little more to show on the new drawing and a better image uploaded as well.

I’ve started also using a fine point mechanical pencil to tune up the lines some. I expect there will be more of that to come.


New Drawing Started: Kayden’s Back

May 6, 2012

I’ve been working on a new drawing based on a photo of mine I shot some time ago of a model friend, Kayden. This was originally going to be in ink using a brush, but after two unsatisfactory starts, I tossed them, not liking the way they were going. Sometimes the drawing seems to have a mind of it’s own. Okay, fine, have it your way.

This is graphite on 14 x 17 Bristol paper. I’m using Sanford’s “Design Ebony” pencil which glides over Bristol very nicely.


Color Value Chart

May 3, 2012

Several years ago (2002, I think) while reading through the Golden Paint website, I came across a page on the subject of neutral grays, and there was a chart that ranked several of their paints by value range, from white to black. Since this was an accurate reading by a spectrometer of specific pigments, I thought at the the time that it would make a good project to recreate this chart with the actual paints I owned to use as a reference. The image above was the result. I painted in a few extra colors that I collected later, including a few oils, but only managed to fill up about a third of it before I forgot all about it until digging it out yesterday.

I did learn a few things from the exercise, or at least demonstrate some things I had taken for granted. For example, I have a gouache version of PR122 (Quincradone Magenta) that is far brighter than the Golden acrylic which uses the same pigment (row 2, column 6.) I was also a bit skeptical of their spectrometer readings since the Phthalo Blue/RS doesn’t look to me like it should belong on the top row (row 1, column 7.) The only oils on this chart are two red oxides (PR101,) the viridian (PG18,) and pyrrole red (PR254.) ALl the others are Golden’s paint. Some of these have since been discontinued by Golden, like cobalt teal.