Archive for February, 2021


Golden’s New Paint Tube Caps

February 1, 2021

In my previous post I wrote that Golden Paints was starting a program where you can have them send you replacement caps for their acrylic tube paints. I’ll repeat the link to their site here. My new caps arrived today, the black ones above.

Of the 10 tubes of their brand that I have, only 6 caps were damaged, but I requested 10, and that’s what they sent. For that large 5oz. tube of zinc white, I had previously borrowed a cap from a tube that had dried out, but it later cracked also. The new caps are nice, and fit perfectly. I’m happy to see the large size. In my comments to them on the form to get these caps I mentioned that a larger size would be an improvement, similar to those on Liquitex tubes that I’ve never had a problem with. Looks like they figured that out too.

In my picture above I brightened the image around a couple of the caps so you could better see the details. The top of the cap pops open on a plastic hinge to show a small spout where you can squeeze out paint rather than unscrewing the whole cap. Squirting the paint out should be better, since it will keep the threads of the tube from getting paint on them when you unscrew the cap. The large size of these doesn’t match the size of the small 2oz. tube, but the threads inside do fit. It’s interesting to note in the article on their site that they say the new caps look just like the current ones, and that the new color will be grey. The only caps I’ve seen at stores for their paints are the older “T” shaped design. I suggest you keep an eye out for these larger cylindrical caps, since they look like they will hold up much better.