Archive for February, 2020


New Drawing: Silésienne Woman

February 19, 2020

This is an ink drawing based on a photo I found of a sculpted bust by the artist Naoum Aronson.

I’m using the synthetic polyester Tyvek paper again as my drawing surface. The ink tools are a combination of different types. I used Prismacolor layout markers for the dark brown and grey. The black lines were made with ZIG and Penstix markers. The white is from a Craftsmart “paint pen” which uses shellac paint. The flow from that paint pen is hard to control, but I like the way it pushed the paint around. Because the flow of paint was unreliable, I made a little puddle of paint outside the drawing, and dipped the pen in that like a brush.


New Drawing: Hand and Bracelet

February 17, 2020
Ink drawing of a woman's hand wearing jewelry

I found this photo of a hand from an advertising page that I had saved, and made a drawing of it. I used a ZIG marker on a sheet of Tyvek synthetic paper, approximately 8 x 12″.


New Ink Drawing: “News Travels Fast”

February 6, 2020

This is drawn from a series of photos I shot walking around Austin a few years ago. I remember she was standing on a street corner while she looked at her phone, and was none to happy with whatever she saw.

This was also drawn with the Zebra fountain pen. It takes a little getting used to for it to work right, holding it at a near vertical angle, but I like the marks and dark ink it uses.


New Ink Drawing: “Keeping It Clean”

February 4, 2020
car wash ink drawing

I sketched this one while out walking around the neighborhood, and stopped across the street from this car wash. This man’s car was very muddy, which was odd to see since it was a beautiful day out.

I’m using a fountain pen on this one, a Zebra brand. It draws well, but the point is quite stiff.