Archive for February, 2018


Painting Final: Coffee at the Window

February 19, 2018

There’s some cleaning up needed and lines to be straightened out, but I’ll still call this a final version.


Paul Clemons, Rest in Peace

February 14, 2018

As I mentioned awhile back, I have been dealing with a family matter, and as I’ve dropped behind a little on posts of late, I wanted to show why with a small tribute. My older brother, Paul, recently passed away. This is a photo of him taken by my Mother in his younger, rock star days. “When your pants are tight, you’re gonna be all right.”


Painting Update 4: Coffee at the Window

February 6, 2018

A little further along. I’ve painted in her figure and left hand, started on the sink area, and retouched the background in a couple places.

If you look closely in the dark area of her figure you can see a few sprinkles of raindrops that got to it as I took this photo. Fortunately, they evaporated quickly without any damage when I dashed back inside.