Posts Tagged ‘studio’


Android Tablet for the Studio

March 20, 2024

For a few years now I’ve been using a digital picture frame viewer in the studio as a means to display reference photos while I work. Unfortunately, recently it stopped working, so I looked for a replacement. At first I thought I’d just get another cheap viewer that just shows pictures, but I wasn’t too crazy about the poor color accuracy, so I decided to look into getting a tablet. I found this one online for just under $50 new. It came today, and was easy to set up. It’s an Android tablet slightly bigger than the old viewer. at 10″. I need to find a stand for it, or may make one.


Converting Bookshelves Into a Table

September 30, 2012

As I continue to get the new studio room ready, I realized that it needs some extra shelving. I found bookshelves on sale at a local department store (Target,) so I bought a couple of them, and when I got them home I decided to turn them on their side to use as a work table as well as shelves for storage. Here you can see one of the two already assembled. It’s approximately 3.5′ x 2′ x 1′.

I screwed the two vertical shelves into the sides for more stability, and added two plywood shelves that I will later stain black. I plan to keep the center space open where I can put large raw material like drawing boards and panels. The other bookshelf will be modified the same way. I’ll place them back to back, and then probably attach a large wood panel on top to use as a work table.


Moving In

September 21, 2012

Yes, I’m still alive and well; although, very tired. I’ve finally moved all the big stuff into the new home, and trying to figure out where to put it all. I should get back to drawing and painting soon, and I greatly appreciate those of you who have stuck around over the last few days.

On another note, I recently upgraded my old router to a newer model with a table. Right now all I can say is it turns off and on, so I still have to see how it groves. I’ll just add that to the list of things to do.