
Making a Paint Tube Display Rack

April 8, 2023

With the paints I’ve been tubing lately, and all the older purchased paints I have, I thought it would be good to come up with a better way to display them, so I started looking online for storage ideas. I came across one method that had binder clips holding the tubes mounted from long nails on a sheet of plywood. Looked simple enough, and I already had a bunch of these clips on hand, so I started digging around the garage for some scrap wood, when I spotted this wood frame in the corner. I had discovered this up in the attic awhile back, left behind by a previous owner I guess. It looks like it was once part of a baby’s crib. I figured it could be used for this display rack idea.

I grabbed a handful of long screws I had, @1.75″, and used some painter’s tape to mark off the spacing I needed for the screws. I then moved each strip of tape as a guide across each rail to keep the spacing uniform and properly offset. Each rail holds 11 or 12 screws. I might swap some longer dowels or 3″ bolts for the screws at some point later, so I can hang more than one color. on them. I could mount this whole rack to the wall, but I think I’ll just lean it up instead so I can move it around if needed. Looks like it’ll work out fine. I just need to buy a box or two of screws.

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